Goldstab Annual Get Together 2021
"Acknowledgment and appreciation are what give you the insights and awareness to move forward toward higher goals and accomplishments.”
— Jack Canfield
Goldstab has a culture of gratitude towards its employees, distribution partners and customers. Every year during autumn everyone at Goldstab comes together to celebrate its success and appreciate the employees of the organization.
This year too on the occasion of Annual Get Together 2020-21 of the Goldstab, the entire Goldstab employees and their families came together. It was a joyous occasion as everyone was attached to Goldstab Organics Pvt. Ltd was present under one roof.
Sandeep Shah and Rajeev Mehendale, the Founders and Directors of Goldstab Organics Pvt. Ltd. were ecstatic seeing everyone. Both stated, “We are very happy seeing everyone here together after the pandemic. Today is a very joyous day for us.” Both the Directors admired all the employees and appreciated everyone for their work in hard times of covid-19.
Goldstab also lost one of the major pillars of strength, inspiration and our beloved sales director Mr Pradeep Jain. His journey with Goldstab Organics Pvt. Ltd for more than 15 years has brought tremendous changes and helped us all achieve much bigger heights. He was not just the most valued pillar of the Goldstab Organics Pvt. Ltd. family but a fatherly figure and a cheerful mentor to all his subordinates. In his fond memory and honour, Goldstab has started Pradeep Jain Memorial Award for the graduating students in addition to other student awards. This year we offered this award to 4 students and hope to reach out to more students every year.
The annual get-together of Goldstab also has a cultural event. In this event employees and their families put up various performances of music, dance or drama of their choice. The whole organization is filled with festive vibes and enthusiasm for the Annual function and the excitement of the award ceremony.
The most important and exciting part of the Goldstab Annual Function is the ‘Employee of the Year Award’. Everyone is curious to know the out-of-the-common employee in the vortex of Goldstab. This year the ‘Employee of the Year’ was awarded to the Finance and Accounts Head of Goldstab, Mr Sumit Shah for his outstanding leadership and conduct in his professional field. It serves as proof of his competence and excellent understanding of regulatory implications. Other than the ‘Employee of the Year’ Award Goldstab appreciated some of its employees as the ‘Star Employee of the Year’. These recognitions amplify the functions of individual and team spirit in the organization. Each Goldstabian enjoyed the event that concluded with a scrumptious lunch and a DJ party.

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